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Flight crew entering airport terminal

10 Things You Should Never Say to a Flight Attendant

Air travel can be stressful for everyone involved, but few flyers understand the unique challenges faced by flight attendants who navigate turbulent skies—and personalities—at 35,000 feet. From managing safety protocols to ensuring passenger comfort, these aviation professionals maintain their composure through countless interactions—some more testing than others. 

Smiling pilot with flight attendants standing on airplane board
Yakobchuk Olena | Adobe Stock

Certain phrases and requests have become notorious pain points for flight attendants who fly hundreds of times a year. They’re guaranteed to make any flight attendant mentally roll their eyes, even as they maintain their professional smile. Before you join the ranks of passengers who unknowingly commit this mile-high faux pas, consider the impact of your words on these hardworking crew members. Flight attendants aren’t just service providers; they’re trained safety professionals whose primary responsibility is ensuring your well-being during the flight. The following ten phrases represent a compilation of their most cringe-worthy passenger interactions—those special moments that make them wish they could temporarily disable the call button or, at the very least, serve your drink with an extra helping of disdain.

Can You Watch My Kids?

You’ve paid plenty for your coach ticket, so now it’s time to relax, take a nap, and maybe let your kids run wild. After all, the flight attendants are just sitting at the back of the plane—they will be happy to watch your little darlings, right? Wrong.

“I’ve had passengers get mad at me because we didn’t have a play area on the plane. Another passenger came to the back of the plane and asked me where she could put her baby. She didn’t want to hold it,” flight attendant Heather Poole told Parade Magazine. Flight attendants already have enough to do and can’t take on babysitting duties.

This Drink Is Too Expensive!

Flight attendant serving food and drinks to passengers on board
Svitlana | Adobe Stock

Yes, that in-flight drink is too expensive. But whining to the flight attendant isn’t going to change anything. Do you really think the CEO of a major airline consults with the flight attendants before raising prices on drinks? Trust us, the flight attendant to whom you’re complaining is not making a commission off overpriced gin and tonics. (Starting salaries for flight attendants can be as low as $27,000 per year, and there’s definitely no kickback from expensive drinks factored into that.)

Fetch Me …

We all wish we had a personal butler we could summon with the ring of a bell. However, despite the presence of a call button above every airplane seat, the flight attendant is not that butler. Demanding that the flight attendant “fetch” you something is a sure way to get on a flight attendant’s bad side. 

Use the call button only when it’s really necessary, such as times when you can’t get out of your seat and genuinely need something. If you want a glass of water or a blanket, walk back to the galley and ask for it in person.

Hey, stewardess!

Unhappy looking Asian flight attendant
pitipat | Adobe Stock

The word “stewardess” is about as contemporary as the glamorous coach-class experience of yesteryear. Both are gone forever. “Stewardess” was in vogue when women were the only people hired as flight attendants. 

Nowadays, both men and women work as cabin crew, and the term “flight attendant” reflects not only this but the expanded duties that they are responsible for onboard. 

Wait, What Kind of Drinks Do You Have?

The beverage service doesn’t just magically appear in front of you. The start of the service is usually announced on the PA system, along with a list of the beverages available on board that day. Couldn’t hear the announcement? You can usually find a card in your seatback pocket that lists what you can order. The snacks and drinks on offer are also usually listed in the airline’s app, if you have it downloaded. 

So if you’re craving something out of the ordinary (“Do you have any Diet Mountain Dew on this flight?”) or exotic (“Man, I could go for a can of cran-pineapple-berry-tang juice!”), consult your in-flight card to see if it’s being served. Flight attendants hate having to run down the list of available drinks for every passenger who asks—and they’ll be even more annoyed if you ask what’s on offer after they’ve just told the person sitting next to you what’s available. 

Can You Help Me Lift My Bag?

Flight Attendant helps businessman lift the luggage bag into cabin storage for travel
bank215 | Adobe Stock

Congratulations. You’ve managed to cram everything you own into your carry-on bag. There’s no way you’re gate-checking it now, even if it does weigh 100 pounds. Who cares if you can’t lift it—you’ll just ask one of the flight attendants to heft it into the overhead bin for you. They’re basically baggage handlers that come along for the ride, right? Wrong. 

During flight attendant training, crew members are advised never to lift baggage for passengers because it’s a common cause of injury. Repeatedly hefting heavy suitcases into the overhead bins can cause health issues, and if a flight attendant is hurt loading bags, it could cause a flight delay or cancellation. 

It’s not a flight attendant’s job to help you lift your bag, so make sure you can actually lift and stow whatever you pack. 

I Will Blow Up This Plane If I Don’t Get Bumped to First Class!

Your terrorism jokes aren’t funny. Ever. Instead of laughs, the joke’s on you: That idle threat will get you kicked off the plane and possibly arrested.

I’ll Turn Off My Phone in One More Minute!

Close-up of a woman on a plane using a smartphone
bongkarn | Adobe Stock

Different airlines have different policies about using electronic devices during takeoff and landing. Once you’re on the plane, though, the flight attendant’s word is law. So when you’re asked to turn off your phone or laptop, it means now, people. Holding up your finger to signal one more minute is rude. Stop it.

Can You Throw Away This Bag Of Vomit For Me?

Flight attendants see enough gross stuff already. They don’t need to be tasked with throwing away your used air-sickness bag or your baby’s dirty diaper. Walk to the lavatory and throw it away yourself. (And if you’re throwing away a dirty diaper, that raises another question: Where are you changing that kid? Please don’t do it on the tray table.)

Nothing (In an Exit Row)

Women napping on exit window seat while traveling by airplane
kasto | Adobe Stock

While most passengers appreciate a quiet flight, there’s one crucial moment when your voice needs to be heard: the emergency exit row safety briefing. That seemingly simple “yes” you’re asked to provide in response to the question about being willing and able to perform safety duties in an emergency isn’t just a formality—it’s a legal requirement. Flight attendants must verify that every passenger seated in an exit row can both understand and respond to verbal and visual instructions, as these individuals could play a vital role in an emergency evacuation.

If you remain silent during this safety check, the flight attendant will have no choice but to relocate you to a different seat. This policy isn’t about being difficult; it’s about ensuring the safety of everyone on board. Remember, those extra legroom seats come with extra responsibility, and your verbal confirmation is the first step in accepting that duty.

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